Position of Authority
Position Of Authority

About Page







Guest Book

Aww geez
Teddy done moved to San Diego that son of a bitch. But, like all bad things, he'll be back at the beginning of the summer. This break is giving the guys a good chance to do some personal reflection, a.k.a. jackit, and when they get together again, things will be nice. Only 7 months left, damn thats a long time.
Respect my authoritaugh!
Position of Authority is always looking for new places to play, new bands to play with (we're tired of playing with ourselves), and new fans to help join the fight. If you have any information, have any requests or are just curious to know more about us. Sent us an email, the address is somewhere else on this page.
The Phrase That Pays
Milman Dan says
"Homophobia is sooo gay"

Listen to Fat Free Radio for Us

Send us comment/ questions
If you would like to be added to our mailing list, just send an email to the address below. Also we appreciate if you send us your oppinions (no matter how dumbassive they are).

Interview with Pip
We recently had the misfortune of talking to the band's assistant second comanager, Pip Lankaster. To be blunt, he's one big bastard. You can read the entire painful interview here

You are visitor number 4794 Yea that's right, your just a number to us.

Position supports Napster
File sharing mainly only hurts big bands who already have enough money to begin with. Plus, hey, it's fun, free, and helps us be heard.
Join the fight!